Semi-Private Training
How our Semi-Private Training Works
With our Semi-Private Training Model, you do not follow a random or generic workout every session, as in traditional group classes. A PR Fitness Trainer works directly with each member to develop a comprehensive training program tailored to their particular needs. It begins where you are on day one and progresses with you at your pace toward your goals accounting for each individual milestone reached along the way.
A trainer will coach you and up to three other members working on individualized programs alongside you. This is the primary difference between private one-on-one training and semi-private training.
Yes, Semi-Private training CAN be as effective as one-on-one. We guarantee you will get plenty of 1-on-1 time so that you receive the coaching you need during every session.
Advantages of Semi-Private Training:
COMMUNITY – We are a diverse community with room for everyone, no matter where your starting point is! Together, we can achieve a healthier, stronger lifestyle.
FREQUENCY - With our semi-private training, you can book unlimited training sessions for the month – which means you can come in more often and stay on track.
INDIVIDUALIZED – Individualized programming, better results. Seeing your coaches more often means developing stronger relationships. We can ensure you are properly executing your program and make modifications on the spot when needed and as you progress.
How to book your sessions:
Sign up for your session through our app. There is a maximum ratio of 4 members to one Personal Trainer per class. Your coach will review your individualized program for the day at the start of each session. They will coach you through each exercise during your session, just like a regular Personal Training session. Sessions are 60 minutes.